Thiên Bình đã viết:
Dear hxl,
As a judge, who is not a QB resident, I understand your concern. However, I will guarantee a sound judgement on my part. There are only 2 of us and 4 of the judges are QB residents. If we don’t understand something, there are still 4 judges that outweighs the decisions and help us understand more about the contestant.
However, keep in mind that in the real world, contestant might not be working with QB residents. I believe that it is also the contestant’s responsibilty to make the judges understand their messages and their statements of intent. Sometimes, I say things in Vietnamese and use the wrong word choice, which create a lot of misunderstanding. Therefore, I have simpathy for your concern. But then after I clear things up and tell the person that that is not what I meant, he or she shows me the right vocabulary to use so that I can communitcate better.
I just want to let you know that the judges don’t do this for profit. I do this because I care about Vietnamese students, whether they are QB residents or not. If I don’t understand you or QB, I want to, and perhaps you can tell me about QB through your essay. Please don’t think of us as robots that we can only correct grammars or spellings. We have hearts too and they beat just like yours. Sometimes, you might even be surprise that it is not just the QB people who understand you most but also those from all around the world. Just like in certain cases, there are parents who don’t understand their kids as much as the friends do, but yet the kids have known their parents for the longest.
I appreciate you sharing your opinions and concerns, I love it when people speak their mind. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you will be entering the contest because I’m looking forward to a wonderful essay.
Thiên Bình
Dear Thien Binh,
You should reply earlier

If I hurted you so Im so sorry. But as I said, I have no discrimination. Its just my personal preference.
Thiên Bình đã viết:Sometimes, you might even be surprise that it is not just the QB people who understand you most but also those from all around the world. Just like in certain cases, there are parents who don’t understand their kids as much as the friends do, but yet the kids have known their parents for the longest.
What all you said was true but you also said "sometimes". It means, in general, QB people can understand better than others. When I posted my opinion, I knew nothing about you and I think other members like me too. You rarely come and discuss in this forum. I dont know Rec too but why I trust him, cause I read his posts and know that he's

( you should say thank to me

). To avoid it, pls express your ideas more here
I know, you do it without profit and you also invest it too. Im so affected. Good job
Now, the program committee is defined. Im satisfied so we dont have to talk about it any more.
Your sincerely.